Hello, everyone.Today, the theme of our groups speech is “the role models for the youth”, it is a saying that if the youth is prosper, the country will be prosper, and the if the youth is strong, the country will be strong. As college students will have to take on the tasks by the times. Therefore, we must have a strong sense of mission and responsibility to be a good youth of the times.大家好。今天,我们小组演讲的主题是“青年的榜样”,这是一句话,青年兴则国兴,青年强则国强。因为大学生将不得不承担时代赋予的任务。因此,我们必须有强烈的使命感和责任感,做一个时代的好青年。
First of all, I will introduce Chen Yannin, a young soldier who open and aboveboard, facing death unflinchingly .
Chen Yannian is the eldest son of Chen Duxiu. 陈延年是陈独秀的长子
On June 26, Chen Yannian was arrested by the Kuomintang military police. The enemy used up torture in an attempt to force him to give up the organization of the Shanghai Party, but Chen Yannian would rather die than surrender. On July 4, 1927, the enemy secretly escorted Chen Yannian to the execution ground. The executioners ordered Chen Yannian to kneel down, but he responded loudly: the revolutionaries are open and aboveboard, and they are willing to die. They only stand and die, and never kneel down! In the end, he was brutally killed by the enemy on the ground with a knife. At the time of sacrifice, Chen Yannian was only 29 years old.
6月26日, 陈延年遭国民党军警逮捕。 敌人用尽酷刑, 妄图逼迫他供出上海党的组织, 但陈延年宁死不屈。 1927年7月4日, 敌人将陈延年秘密押赴刑场。刽子手们喝令陈延年跪下, 他却高声回应: 革命者光明磊落、视死如归, 只有站着死,决不跪下! 最后,他被敌人按在地上 以乱刀残忍地杀害。 牺牲时, 陈延年年仅29岁。
Chen Yannian guarded the party and the people with his young life. He told us that no matter how hard the road ahead is and how many obstacles there are, we should use our greatest strength to protect the things we cherish.
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