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来源:洛阳师范学院教育科学学院 作者:李佳琳

I want to be a teacher because it is my dream since I was young. I remember when I was in primary school, I first came into contact with the profession of teacher. At that time, I particularly admired my teacher, who was really my good teacher and helpful friend. As I grow older, I hope more and more that I can become a teacher and take on this sacred responsibility. I am deeply influenced by my high school teachers, and I think it will be a great thing for me to be a teacher like them in the future and teach them my knowledge and skills.

Different career positions have different choices, everyone has their own reasons, the reasons to be a teacher, summed up in all kinds of nothing more than these, some people are determined to be a teacher since childhood, some people are parents arranged the road, when a teacher also some people are holding a very big responsibility. More people like me choose to be a teacher because they love the job.

Why I became a teacher: First of all, I like this job. I like communicating with students. I think the world of children is full of innocence and purity that we don‘t have in the world of adults. But with the growth of age, let us grind off a lot of edges and corners, but with children can also feel the original themselves, and the occupation of teacher is one of the most ancient human society. He was entrusted by the society to carry out special education for educators, teachers are the inheritors and disseminators of human cultural and scientific knowledge in the social development. For students, teachers are also the developers of students’ intelligence and the shapers of their personalities. Therefore, people give the honorary title of “human soul engineer” to people‘s teachers. Teachers play a leading role in the process of education, and they are the educators, leaders and organizers of students’ physical and mental development. The quality of teachers‘ work is related to the level of physical and mental development of the young generation in our country and the improvement of national quality, thus affecting the rise and fall of the country. I choose this major because I think it is a sacred major.

If I have the honor to become a teacher in the future, I think I need to learn from the process of my professional knowledge and skills of lichen, I think, I want to have knowledge of subject content, not only familiar with the contents of the textbooks, and I want to some updates of mastering the knowledge, such ability more efficient to complete the teaching mission

Second, I want to understand the dynamics of the curriculum reform, carefully study the requirements and knowledge of the curriculum reform, and better complete the teaching work.

Third, I should actively understand students and put down the shelf of teachers, because students are the main body of the class, understand the psychological and development characteristics of good students, in order to implement the correct means of education, better teaching.

In the process of learning the skills to be a teacher, I think I need to prepare several skills.

The first interpretation of the text of the ability, I need to parse the content of the text, text type to put their own unique experience and experience, to better teach students around have the ability of teaching design, I have to take the student as the basis for teaching materials unit training target combining with teaching practice to implement the third, I want to have language expression ability, As a teacher, accurate expression ability and quick response ability are essential qualities for teachers.

Fourthly, I should have a strong ability of self-reflection. Teaching experience can be improved and improved in the process of constant reflection. As a teacher, I should always conduct self-evaluation and summarize the deficiencies in the teaching process and timely improve the teaching method.

Fourthly, I should have a strong ability of self-reflection. Teaching experience can be improved and improved in the process of constant reflection. As a teacher, I should always conduct self-evaluation and summarize the deficiencies in the teaching process and timely improve the teaching method.I want to be a teacher because it is my dream since I was young. I remember when I was in primary school, I first came into contact with the profession of teacher. At that time, I particularly admired my teacher, who was really my good teacher and helpful friend. As I grow older, I hope more and more that I can become a teacher and take on this sacred responsibility. I am deeply influenced by my high school teachers, and I think it will be a great thing for me to be a teacher like them in the future and teach them my knowledge and skills.

Different career positions have different choices, everyone has their own reasons, the reasons to be a teacher, summed up in all kinds of nothing more than these, some people are determined to be a teacher since childhood, some people are parents arranged the road, when a teacher also some people are holding a very big responsibility. More people like me choose to be a teacher because they love the job.

Why I became a teacher: First of all, I like this job. I like communicating with students. I think the world of children is full of innocence and purity that we don‘t have in the world of adults. But with the growth of age, let us grind off a lot of edges and corners, but with children can also feel the original themselves, and the occupation of teacher is one of the most ancient human society. He was entrusted by the society to carry out special education for educators, teachers are the inheritors and disseminators of human cultural and scientific knowledge in the social development. For students, teachers are also the developers of students’ intelligence and the shapers of their personalities. Therefore, people give the honorary title of “human soul engineer” to people‘s teachers. Teachers play a leading role in the process of education, and they are the educators, leaders and organizers of students’ physical and mental development. The quality of teachers‘ work is related to the level of physical and mental development of the young generation in our country and the improvement of national quality, thus affecting the rise and fall of the country. I choose this major because I think it is a sacred major.

If I have the honor to become a teacher in the future, I think I need to learn from the process of my professional knowledge and skills of lichen, I think, I want to have knowledge of subject content, not only familiar with the contents of the textbooks, and I want to some updates of mastering the knowledge, such ability more efficient to complete the teaching mission

Second, I want to understand the dynamics of the curriculum reform, carefully study the requirements and knowledge of the curriculum reform, and better complete the teaching work.

Third, I should actively understand students and put down the shelf of teachers, because students are the main body of the class, understand the psychological and development characteristics of good students, in order to implement the correct means of education, better teaching.

In the process of learning the skills to be a teacher, I think I need to prepare several skills.

The first interpretation of the text of the ability, I need to parse the content of the text, text type to put their own unique experience and experience, to better teach students around have the ability of teaching design, I have to take the student as the basis for teaching materials unit training target combining with teaching practice to implement the third, I want to have language expression ability, As a teacher, accurate expression ability and quick response ability are essential qualities for teachers.

Fourthly, I should have a strong ability of self-reflection. Teaching experience can be improved and improved in the process of constant reflection. As a teacher, I should always conduct self-evaluation and summarize the deficiencies in the teaching process and timely improve the teaching method.

Fourthly, I should have a strong ability of self-reflection. Teaching experience can be improved and improved in the process of constant reflection. As a teacher, I should always conduct self-evaluation and summarize the deficiencies in the teaching process and timely improve the teaching method.2021年4月6日,洛阳师范学院教育科学学院组织我院2021年上半年党员发展对象开展第一期党课培训。













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