课上,刘老师首先讲述了夏至的英语表达,即“summer solstice”,并指出“summer solstice”的反概念冬至“winner solstice”。紧接,学生们使用英语形容“summer solstice”。刘老师通过英语由自然景象介绍夏至“A mong the summer solar terms, the most important one is Summer Solstice. It marks when the day is the longest and the night is the shortest in the Northern Hemiphere.夏至是二十四节气中白天时间最长,夜晚时间最短的节气,而在夏至日这天是全年里白昼时间最长,夜晚时间最短的日子。”
对于夏至白昼最长与黑夜最短的现象,刘老师通过地理知识向各位同学们解释:“The summer solstice midday sunlight almost direct on the Earth’s Tropic of Cancer.在夏至日正午,太阳光线直射北回归线,导致了夏至的白昼最长以及黑夜最短现象。”
为丰富课堂知识,刘老师也补充了一些夏至谚语。“After you‘ve eaten the Summer Solstice noodles,the day is shorter by one line.这句话意思就是‘吃过夏至面,一天短一线’。A drop of summer solstice rain is worth its we in gold.而这句话的意思就是‘夏至一场雨,一滴值干金’。”
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